Why BNB...

Why BNB...

We have served 117 corporate firms in total.
We train at least 2000 participants a year.



We have decreased Human Failures to 0 (Zero)
We have accelerated learning 50%.
Our Arcelik-LG Project has won TEGEP's 'Best learning and development' award.
We have trained 1850 on-the-job / technical trainers in different 26 factories

Sales and Service

Sales and Service

We affect the results.
Our ABank Sales and Service Project has increased the sales of cashiers 80%. The ROI was 375%.
ABank has won CorpU Academy's best practice award in measurement category with our project.

Manager / Leader Development

Manager / Leader Development

We have trained more than 4000 managers and leaders in the last 3 years.


Personal Development Trainings, Teamwork, Sales and Service Trainings, Moderation

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Moderatorship, Sales, Dealership and Merchandizing, Corporate Culture, Development and Ability Management

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Coaching and mentorship system in corporations, and subjects such as individual coaching and team coaching.

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Corporate Solutions and Services

Management Training Programs.

The manager trainings improve the managerial and leadership skills of senior and mid-level managers, and develop the basic managerial skills of new managers and manager candidates.

Coaching Training.

Basic Coaching Skills, Advanced Coaching Skills, Performance Coaching, Relationship Coaching, Conflict Coaching, Trainer Coaching, Sales Coaching

Personal Development Training.

Professionalism in Business Life, Communication Skills and Relationship Management, Succeed in Business Life (Basic Rules of Success) etc.

Teamwork Training.

It allows the teams to be developed in respect of teamwork, and contributes co-operative teams to develop in respect of increasing inter-team communication, synergy, and team productivity.

Sales and Service Training.

It developed sales techniques, persuasive skills, excellent service and correct relations skills in order to make more effective sales.

Retail Dealership and Merchandizing.

It improves the service and sales culture suitable for dealer and store in consistent with the customer expectations and corporate strategies. It increases the store productivity with effective and cross sales techniques.

Human Resources Training.

It improves the skills of HR processes (performance assessment, career management, interview techniques etc.) with respect to employing labor force effectively and efficiently in line with the corporate objectives.

Success Stories

Arçelik LG – Technical Training in Production
  • Improvement by 50%
  • Line downtime decreased from 206 minutes to 116 minutes in a shift
  • Assembly related error rate decreased from 7600 ppm to 4000 ppm
Service and Sales Culture of ABank Branch Operation Teams (60 Branches)
  • 80% increase in teller serviceses' sales 
  • ROI= 375%
  • American CorpU Academy's 2014 "Best Practice" award for measurement category. 
Tesco Kipa - 2012 (within scope of 140 Stores - 10.000 persons)
  • Increase in service quality in external measurements
Koç System Customer Satisfaction - 2012 (Field Employees)
  • Increase in customer satisfaction from 85% to 100%
Komşufırın Service and Sales Culture - 2011 (56 Stores)
  • Increase in customer satisfaction from 45% to 100%
  • Increase in turnover by about 30%
Starbucks Service and Sales Culture - 2009
  • Increase in turnover and sales in pilot by 10%