Our Solutions


It includes the consultancy services such as Moderatorship, Sales, Dealership and Merchandizing, Corporate Culture, Development and Ability Management, Human Resources and Training.

Related Services

Moderation and Facilitation.

Moderation and Facilitation

BNB will help you (moderate) to develop / prepare or determine your vision, mission, strategies, or analyse/brainstorm a problem/a topic and make action plans with your team / management team by using different moderation techniques.

Corporate Culture.

Corporate Culture

It consists of subjects of Development/Placement of Corporate Culture, Establishment of Learning Organization Structure (Corporate Development).

Development and Ability Management.

Development and Ability Management

This consultancy service consists of subjects such as training future leaders and managers, ability pool management and development planning.

Corporate Academy Design.

Corporate Academy Design

It includes the establishment of the Corporate Academy with all its functions, development of academy team, and implementation of the project.

Trainer Training.

Trainer Training

It covers the selection, training and development of trainers to serve as trainers in in-house training and development operations.